Frequently Asked Questions


What is Time and Knowledge Nazrana (TKN)?

Time and Knowledge Nazrana (TKN) represents a combination of two cherished Ismaili traditions, namely offering one’s intellectual capacity to assist in the Imamat’s efforts for the progress of the Jamat, and submitting an unconditional gift to the Imam of the time. Tens of thousands of murids worldwide offered TKN to Mawlana Hazar Imam during the Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee.

What is a TKN Niyat?

A TKN Niyat is a formal declaration of the intention to gift one’s time and knowledge to the Imam for utilization at his discretion in the work of Imamat, Jamati and AKDN Institutions.

What qualifies as a TKN assignment?

Voluntary service rendered on the basis of a match between an identified institutional need and the volunteer’s qualifications and experience constitutes a TKN assignment.

Typically, a TKN assignment:

  • Assists in furthering the objectives/strategies of an Imamat, Jamati or AKDN institution or programme
  • Enables the development of institutional capacity and responds to institutional needs and priorities
  • Provides an opportunity for professional growth and personal fulfillment to the volunteer who serves on an assignment
  • Based on the above criteria, institutions identify specific assignments for which they wish to recruit suitably qualified TKN volunteers.

What type of time commitment is required for a TKN assignment?

TKN assignments have varying time requirements. Some assignments can be as short as one day while others can be for several months or longer durations. The time commitment depends both on the requirements of the particular assignment/project and the TKN volunteer’s availability.

How are TKN volunteers selected for assignments?

The matching and selection of volunteers to render TKN service to an Imamat, AKDN or Jamati institution will be merit-based and determined by institutional needs and requirements. A volunteer should not feel discouraged if he/she is not selected for a particular TKN assignment. TKN volunteers will be considered for TKN assignment opportunities on an ongoing basis, with the objective of matching assignment requirements with the volunteer’s skills, qualifications, experience and availability.

When can I expect to serve on an assignment?

TKN Volunteers are identified through a search in the TKN database and matched with the requirements of TKN assignments submitted by institutions. When opportunities which match your skills, qualifications and experience are identified, you will be contacted to determine your interest and availability for the assignment. In order to expedite this process, it is vital that you keep your profile, CV/Resume and contact details updated on the TKN website.

Can I serve on more than one TKN Assignment?

Yes. You can serve on more than one assignment if you are selected by the host institution as the best-qualified volunteer for a particular assignment.

What if I am not available to commit at the time when I am asked to serve on an assignment?

There are times when TKN volunteers who are approached for an assignment are unable to serve because of other professional or personal commitments. When contacted, they can indicate when they may be available for future assignments.

Does my TKN Niyat expire?

No. TKN Niyats do not expire. TKN volunteers may be approached at any time to serve on assignments which match their qualifications, skills and experience.

Website Access and Profile Update Process

I do not remember if I submitted a TKN niyat. How do I check?

You can contact the TKN office and request assistance by using the "Contact Us" link.

I do not remember my TKN Form/ID #. Can you please provide it?

You can contact the TKN office and request assistance by using the "Contact Us" link.

What should I do if I cannot remember my password?

You may request a new password through the following steps:

Click on the Website "Login to Existing Profile button" and select "Forgot Password" option. This will take you to the "Request New Password/Recover username" panel.

On this panel, select the "Forgot Password" option, enter your username and click on "Email new Password" button. You will be asked a security question to confirm your identification, following which the website will send you an email with a one-time link to your profile.

This one-time link will bring you to the "Account Page" of your online profile where you can enter your new password. Re-enter the new password on the line below for confirmation.

How do I upload or attach my resume to my online profile?

Resume can be uploaded in ‘.doc’, '.txt', ‘.docx’ or ‘pdf’ formats under the Import Documents tab of the online profile.

How do I enter more than one Employment experience in my online profile?

You can enter up to three employment experiences by clicking on “+ Add another work experience” at the bottom of the "Work Experience" box.You can enter up to two experiences by clicking on “+ Add another volunteer experience” at the bottom of the "Volunteer Experience" box.

When I submitted my Diamond Jubilee Niyat, I noticed that my TKN ID# changed. Do I have two distinct TKN ID#s and profiles?

New TKN ID numbers were issued for all Diamond Jubilee niyat registrations. However, there is only one profile for each TKN volunteer. If a TKN Volunteer submitted both a Golden Jubilee niyat and a Diamond Jubilee niyat, the merged profile represents both TKN niyats. This unified profile is now identified by your new Diamond Jubilee ID number. Please use this new number going forward.

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